How to Enable Angle Snapping Mouse?

Do you ever have moments where you have trouble creating a precise movement with your mouse? If you’re having difficulty achieving good aim, you should learn how to enable Angle snapping on all mouse.

Angle snapping is a feature that can help you make more accurate movements by giving you a slight advantage when making slight tweaks. 

When appropriately used, it can be a powerful tool for gamers, graphic designers, and anyone who needs to be precise with their mouse movements. 

What Is Angle Snapping?

Angle snapping is a gaming mouse feature that allows players to instantly adjust the speed and accuracy of their mouse movements, giving them precise control over their gaming experience.

How Do I Enable Angle Snapping?

If you want to enable Angle snapping on your mouse, you must first install Interaccel, which will assist you in improving the direction of your mouse.

You must download, extract all files, install the file driver, edit the config file, and set the “Angle Snapping” value to use this feature (e.g., 26).

Download, unzip, and install

Step 1: To start, go to Interaccel

Step 2: Then choose “Download Latest Version.

download latest version

Step 3: will be found there.


Step 4: Extract to desktop by right-clicking on it.

extract interaccel

Step 5: Click on “driver install” from extracted files.

driver installation

Install Visual C++, restart your computer, and adjust the configuration file.

Step 1: Visit Visual C++

visual c++

Step 2: Install Microsoft Visual C++ X64 by downloading and installing it.

Step 3: Unzip the “InterAccel” folder.

Step 4: Navigate to “interGUI” > “application (64 bit)”.

Inter GUI
Inter GUI

Step 5: Set the “AngleSnapping” parameter to your preference (e.g., 26).

You can now test its functionality by drawing a line in MSPaint.

Is Angle Snapping Beneficial in Gaming?

This feature is useful for gamers who want to optimize their gaming experience and improve accuracy and precision in certain games. However, because it is difficult to turn off and can interfere with more complex gaming styles, it can have a negative impact on gaming performance.

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Is Angle Snapping Beneficial to Valorant?

It can be useful in Valorant because it allows players to acquire targets quickly and precisely. It can also help players maintain their aim in tense situations and make more accurate shots.

 If your opponent moves from left to right, you may be unable to shoot them, so it’s up to you.

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Roshan K is a writer and content creator. He is the founder of The Himalayantime, a gaming blog. Roshan also writes for techpana, a local newspaper. He enjoys playing basketball, watching movies, and listening to music.Learn More

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