How to install Metasploit in Termux Android [No Root]

Metasploit is an open-source exploitation framework created by HD Moore in 2003. It provides users with capabilities to develop their exploits using programming languages like Ruby or Python.

This makes it a potent tool because most exploits work on similar principles but are coded differently depending on the target system’s properties (e.g., OS version, web browser, etc.).It also provides a place where other hackers can contribute their exploits for public use.

Metasploit includes multiple tools that an attacker would need to carry out and cover his tracks.

For example, it has a tool called “msfpayload“, which allows the user to generate shellcode in over 30 different formats (exe, sh, and java) and then save that code into an executable file ready to be executed on the target system.

metasploit logo

It also includes a tool called “msfencode“, which encodes that generated shellcode so that IDS/IPS systems cannot detect it. Metasploit also has a tool called “meterpreter“, which provides the user access to the target system without being seen, even after restarting the computer.

There are many reasons why a developer might want to use a terminal emulator in their daily routine.

For example, the Android operating system has no built-in way to run compilers. Compiling from the command line can be very helpful when writing code for embedded systems.

Some people prefer living in a shell without using an actual computer. it is possible to have compilers and other tools at your disposal via a terminal emulator or termux.

Install Metasploit in Termux without error

Step 1 : Uninstall Termux first

You need to uninstall termux as we need api type so that it can contact with the server.

uninstalling termux

Step 2: Install termux from Fdroid

download fdroid apk file which will allow you to download most of the hidden and rare files for free also install termux in your android device.

READ ALSO  How to fix download error in Toyota entune app suite?

Install termux

Step 3: Upgrade the packages

After installation you need to upgrade all of your terminal’s packages, including security updates. Run the following command to upgrade to the most recent version of the packages.

pkg update;pkg upgrade

updating packages

Step 4: Install Curl packages

Now you’ll need to install the CURL software.

pkg install wget curl

curl in termux

Note: give permission to sdcard using this command : termux-setup-storage

Step 5: Download Metasploit library

Run the following command one by one to obtain the Metasploit library.

cd $HOME;wget -q;bash

installation of metasploit

Step 6: Run metasplot framework

After you’ve installed the Metasploit library, use the following command to go to the Metasploit framework:


starting metasploit

Step 7: Fixing errors in metasploit

There you will see error not starting the framework so you need to copy and paste these scripts then your console will be ready to rock.

cd metasploit-framework;
sed -i ‘13,15 {s/^/#/}’ /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/lib/ruby/gems/3.1.0/gems/hrr_rb_ssh-0.4.2/lib/hrr_rb_ssh/transport/encryption_algorithm/functionable.rb; sed -i ’14 {s/^/#/}’ /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/lib/ruby/gems/3.1.0/gems/hrr_rb_ssh-0.4.2/lib/hrr_rb_ssh/transport/server_host_key_algorithm/ecdsa_sha2_nistp256.rb; sed -i ’14 {s/^/#/}’ /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/lib/ruby/gems/3.1.0/gems/hrr_rb_ssh-0.4.2/lib/hrr_rb_ssh/transport/server_host_key_algorithm/ecdsa_sha2_nistp384.rb; sed -i ’14 {s/^/#/}’ /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/lib/ruby/gems/3.1.0/gems/hrr_rb_ssh-0.4.2/lib/hrr_rb_ssh/transport/server_host_key_algorithm/ecdsa_sha2_nistp521.rb;
clear;echo “Done….”

pasting script to fix metasploit issue

Step 8: Start Metasploit and run native commands

Now that the Metasploit framework is installed, you must type and run the below command to start it there, your terminal will work without any further issues.


installed Metasploit in Termux Android

Video to install metasploit in termux:


Using those steps you can easily install metasploit in your device even so if you face issue you can watch and follow the steps if you are not able to install it.

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Roshan K is a writer and content creator. He is the founder of The Himalayantime, a gaming blog. Roshan also writes for techpana, a local newspaper. He enjoys playing basketball, watching movies, and listening to music.Learn More

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